At a Glance

The Enterneering® App

Imagine the cumulative knowledge of my book and enrich it with continuously updated contributions, interactive cross-references, and in-depth essays as well as practical exercises. The result of this consideration is our app. Find out for yourself and download the app or use the web version.

A book, whether printed or digital, is a valuable and long-lasting companion. Nevertheless, it always represents a snapshot, it is statically fixed after its publication and every expansion or update requires a new edition. To keep up with the rapid pace of change in the VUCA world and to provide readers and those seeking advice with an always up-to-date and continuously expanded knowledge base, an even smarter instrument is needed. From Q3 2023, the world's first and exclusive Enterneering® App will be available around Enterneering®. It not only includes the knowledge and experience of the author but will be further developed and updated by many hard-working and highly motivated people with dedication and passion. Our app is a professional and life-supporting medium for entrepreneurs, leaders, and all those who want to develop there.


(basic: free,  premium: annual subscription)

App screenshots Enterneering
App screenshots Enterneering content

What you get

In our Enterneering® app, we have compiled a 360-degree overview of the three pillars of culture, people, and organisation. This compilation stems from our years of experience in enterprise leadership. We have crafted a user-oriented guide for entrepreneurs and top executives to better navigate the VUCA world and build resilient enterprises. Through our app, individuals in entrepreneurial roles will gain access to structured and holistic knowledge about the key elements of successful enterprise development in this challenging era.

Whether you are a CEO, entrepreneur, or senior corporate leader, adopting the principles outlined in this app will establish a solid groundwork for the successful growth and transformation of your enterprise.

Enriched with concrete insights and practical excursions, this app serves not only as a structured source of knowledge and training for modern enterprise management but also as an ongoing companion for your personal development.

Empower yourself to effectively identify and derive your need for action in strategic enterprise development. Do not invest your time and money in consultants who perform your job as a company leader. Take charge and leverage your budget to engage consultants or coaches strategically and based on your specific needs.

chart self-empowerment by enterneering
Choose your Way


  • Empower yourself to work more effectively and consistently 'on' your business rather than 'in' it.
  • Aspire to transition from micromanagement to macromanagement.
  • Continuously expand your knowledge in enterprise leadership and train your personal skills while on the job.
  • Make your company and yourself fit for successful growth and change in digital age.
  • Assemble your individual action guide, save your favourites, and use helpful tools for planning, implementing, and monitoring your goals in effective Enterneering®.